Friday, January 25, 2008

The Calling

An entire life seeking

Wondering why I am here

What is the true purpose of my life? I sit and ponder and think

Everyday burdened with the task of

Figuring out my calling

A noble cause

Honorable and useful

In service of belief and faith

I try and have to live simultaneously

Wishing all I had to do was serve

Sit in a hall and chant with monks

Learn about leading the masses and doing god’s work

I want to be remembered a saint

Revered as a spiritual practitioner

The message comes to me in moments of peace and revelation

Serve and be rewarded with more peace

I sit ad ponder and think

But how does it all work

Where does the rest of me go

The pleasure seeker the athlete

The social butterfly

Are these traits merely distractions from my higher calling

How does this all work.

I wonder what is my calling??

Now playing: An-Ten-nae - Tha Oud

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